After last week's debacle, Baby Braggin' Wednesday is back! And these two bodacious brothers are making BBW better than ever. Let me introduce:
OMG - isn't this pic the cutest?? Like older brother Max is telling a really cool secret about mummy to Sam? I can just imagine how this conversation is going...
Max: "Ok, dude, I know you're not liking the whole nap thing? I mean, who does, right?"
Sam: "Seriously! It totally messes up my Baby Einstein time. What should I do?"
Max: "First, you have to stop pooping. Just for a day. Give the woman a break. And for goodness sake, quit peeing on her when she goes to change your diaper! Once you've mastered that, it's all gravy."
Sam: "Sweet. So glad I got you, bro."
These two hunks belong to a co-worker of mine, Wendy. She and I worked a TON together during last spring's nearly catastrophic flood - while she was pregnant! Just about everyday, there she'd be, lugging our ridiculously heavy cameras all over God's creation to make sure we got the best flood footage around. She's a wonder! Thanks Wendy!!!
Anyway... Samson joined Wendy's clan just in time for the holidays this year - in November, on Friday the 13th. Yikes!! He weighed in at 6lbs 4 oz but his going home weight was 5lbs 14oz. Double yikes! "I had to buy some premie clothes to fit him in for about two weeks," says Wendy.
Two-year-old Max is still pretty leery of this new, younger nugget in the house. When Sam first came home, Max quickly rounded up all of HIS things and piled them into a corner. He's not down with sharing and has been known to refer to everything as "mine."
When the baby cries, Max will just toss stuff at him. He'll wing a pacifier at Sam when he thinks Sam's hum-gree (hungry) or toss a blanket over Sam's head if he thinks the baby's cold. "Anything to shut him up, I guess! LOL!!," laughs Wendy.
I'm guessing this is typical behavior for a terrible two-fer, right??
"During a photo session in the living room, I got Max to give Sam a quick kiss, but due to a delay in the digital camera world, I just barely got it!," exclaims Wendy.
Wendy says her nuggets are both growing so fast she swears she can see Sam grow overnight as they snuggle in the recliner ("A MUST investment for new parents! You spend LOTS of time there.").
Thanks for sharing your cutie-patootie's with me Wendy!!!
If you'd like your nuggets featured in an upcoming edition of Baby Braggin' Wednesday, just email me some pictures, details like names and ages, and any other additional info or stories you'd think might be fun to share!
I look forward to writing about your babes!