"Angela Kolling has a tattoo. The red and white bracelet wraps around her left ankle and has the name ‘Morgan’ surrounded by hearts printed on each side. This tattoo has meaning. It’s not something Angela got on a whim; she didn’t pick
it out from a sample book. Unlike a tattoo inked out of rebellion or a misbegotten night, Angela’s tattoo is a symbol of unwavering love and devotion. The bracelet is a permanent reminder that someone is missing from Angela’s life—her daughter..."
It’s not that I set out to be (or for that matter, wish to be) one of those pushy parents who posts on Facebook every milestone their child achieves. We get it, we get it––your kid rolled over/ took a step/lost a tooth/rode the bus to school. Clearly, he’s a genius and will surely be President of the United States. But try as I might, I also can’t help but wonder about my tiny daughter’s potential greatness every time she does something remarkable (three poops in a day!).
Getting your children back in school may offer some welcome relief to you. But sending your kids to classes once again may bring a whole new set of challenges to your family. From homework to bullying, and sleeping to sports, a fresh school year can mean fresh problems. But there are things you can do to make this school year your child’s best yet – so read on!
Isn’t there something you would like to change? Something in our world, country or community? Sure! We all do, right? The difference is many of us don’t do anything about it except talk or complain. Or we may feel like one person can’t
really make a difference. But there are people like Kris Wallman. People who, when they see a way to improve something they care about, do something; something for themselves, their children, their community. That’s Kris. When she sees something that needs changing, whether it is personal or professional, she doesn’t look for someone else to do it...she does the research, looks in the mirror, takes a deep breath and charges ahead.
Are the holidays a perfect excuse to make like a turkey and gobble everything in sight? Put the drumstick down and check out these tips for a tasty, yet trim, holiday season.